U.S. Route 6, I-76/US-34 Spur to SH-71


Location: I-76 and US-6, Brush

Reassurance shield omitting US-6 as we enter Brush. US-6 will not be signed along I-76, but despite that Colorado does not recognize US-6’s presence along this route, AAHSTO does, and that’s what matters

Location: I-76 and Colorado Ave, Brush

Junction SH-71 coming up, a multistate highway stretching across Colorado, Nebraska, and South Dakota

Location: I-76 and Colorado Ave, Brush

Exit here for SH-71 North, exit in a second for SH-71 South

Location: I-76 and SH-71, Brush

Follow SH-71 South into downtown Brush and beyond

W to SH-52, E to SH-63

W to SH-52, E to SH-63

N to SH-14, S to US-34

W to SH-71, E to SH-63

W to US-34