U.S. Route 491, CO State Line to US-64


Location: US-491 at the Colorado Line, San Juan Cty

Welcome to New Mexico! US-491 enters its third and final state.

Location: US-491 at the Colorado Line, San Juan Cty

Another welcome sign

Location: US-491 and US-64, Shiprock

Several miles later, we’ll enter Shiprock, the largest town on the Navajo Res. As we enter Shiprock, we’ll approach US-64. Turn right for 64 west and 491 south. Turn left for 64 east.

Location: US-491 and US-64, Shiprock

Identical sign, different side

Location: US-491 and US-64, Shiprock

Turn right for 64 west and left for 64 east

S to US-64, N to US-160

E to NM-489, W to US-491