U.S. Route 59, MO-116 to MO-45/MO-273


Location: US-59 and Route 116, Buchanan Cty

Reassurance shield after the Route 116 junction

Location: US-59 and Route 45, Buchanan Cty

Junction Missouris 45 and 273 coming up

Location: US-59 and Route 45, Buchanan Cty

When the junction happens, you’ll want to bear right to follow US-59, which will head due west into Kansas

Location: US-59 and Route 45, Buchanan Cty

Follow 45/273 South towards Weston and 59 South/273 North towards Atchison Kan.

Location: US-59 and Route 45, Buchanan Cty

Bear left for 45/273 South. Bear right for 59 South/273 North. 273 will join 59 and abruptly end at the state line. I expect this is because 273 is numbered as a “daughter” of US-73, which doesn’t enter Kansas, but its signage sort of provides route number continuity. Following 273 is the fastest way to get from KCI and most of the MIssouri part of KC Metro to Atchison

S to MO-273/KS State Line, N to MO-752

S to MO-273

N to US-59/KS State Line, S to MO-45

E to MO-371