U.S. Route 20, WYO 433 to WYO 31


AMP: 185

Location: US-16 and WYO 433, Big Horn Cty

Reassurance shield after the intersection. We’re about to cross the Big Horn River

AMP: 184

Location: US-16 and S Sherman Ave, Manderson

Junction Wyoming 31 coming up immediately after crossing the river. WYO 31 spurs into Manderson which is right off the road, and then heads further east to Hyattville

AMP: 184

Location: US-16 and S Sherman Ave, Manderson

Welcome to Manderson! We’re about to cross water, which is kind of a big deal in Wyoming

AMP: 184

Location: US-16 and S Sherman Ave, Manderson

Turn left for WYO 31 to Manderson and Hyattville.

E to US-16, W to WYO 30

E to US-20/WYO 789, W to WYO 30

S to US-16, N to WYO 30

E to Hyattville

S to US-20/WYO 789